Τraditional dances of Macedonia by Petros Selkos.
The workshop will start on Saturday August 5th and will end on Wednesday August 9th with the big party.

Petros Selkos was born in 1958 in Promachus Aridaia, Pella Prefecture, where he grew up. He learned the local traditional dances in his village, watching and dancing at festivals, weddings and fairs, with his older and elderly villagers.
From 1973 to 1978 he danced with groups of dancers from his village in many events throughout Greece. In 1981, he founded an Educational Association with a dance department in Promachus and took charge of teaching dance to the young people of the village. In 1989, he became a founding member and dance teacher of the Folklore Club “Almopes” based in Aridaia.
Since 1985, he has been organizing Greek traditional dance seminars with dance teachers from all over Greece at the Baths of Loutraki in Aridaia, Thassos and Halkidiki. These seminars are attended by dancers both from Greece and from many countries abroad. During the winter season, for more than 30 years he has been traveling outside of Greece and mainly to Germany, where he teaches Greek traditional dance seminars.
It is the soul of the great seminar of traditional dances that is organized every year at the end of March in Aridaia with the cooperation of the Folklore Club “Oi Almopes” and the dance teacher Yiannis Giosis.