Rhythmology Techniques and improvisation from the Greek Traditional Music, the Balkan Region, Eastern Mediterranean and Northern Africa.

Since 1993 he has been professionally involved in percussion with many collaborations in concerts and recordings with Greek and foreign composers and singers (Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Dionysis Savvopoulos, George Dalaras, Thanos Mikroutsikos, Socratis Malamas, Alpikoudos Ioannos, Alkidonos Ioannis Orpheas Peridis, Hayk Yazijian, Ara Dinkjian, Theodossi Spasov, Ros Daily, Domna Samiou etc.
In 1997, together with Petros Kourtis and Andreas Pappas, he created the percussion group KROTALA.
Since 2005 he has been participating in the MEDI MUSES training program for 2 years for concerts and seminars in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Kuwait, England, Jordan.
Participates in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.
In 2006 and 2016, at the invitation of the composer JOHN PSATHAS, he traveled to New Zealand for concerts and seminars.
Personal discography (1995 Percussion FM RECORDS, 2002 CRATALS, 2005 Percussion Voices METRO Magazine, 2011PERCUSSION PICTURES ANTART MUSIC.
Since 2016 he has been teaching at the Postgraduate Department of Traditional Percussion in the musicology of Athens.